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The sibling priority rules are changing from Sept24 onwards:


  • For Rallye Clarence (Petit Rallye for children in 3ème/ Year 10), the sibling priority rule only applies to children with older siblings currently registered in Rallye Balmoral (2nde/Year 11) or Rallye Windsor (1ère/Year 12) i.e. "live/current memberships". Older siblings with past memberships in our older rallyes i.e. who are no longer active members of The French Rallye, are no longer given a priority status for Rallye Clarence.

      Please note that the above caveat only applies to Rallye Clarence (Petit Rallye), which is our entry year at Le French Rallye. 


  • For registrations in our two older age groups, namely Rallye Balmoral (2nde/Year 11) and Rallye Windsor (1ère/Year 12), all previous French Rallye memberships, both active and expired, will still be considered for our Siblings priority policy, provided the Siblings field is correctly filled in on the application form (First Name / Last Name / Rallye Name / Rallye Year, e.g. "John Smith Rallye Berkeley 2022-23")  â€‹







Registrations for the 2024-2025 year will open

on September 2, 2024 at 9 AM and close on September 8 at midnight.


After applications are closed, you can contact us to enter the waiting list should a place become available. See below to check in which Rallye your child belongs.


  • The “Petit Rallye” : Called Rallye Clarence for the season 2024/2025, for children in 3e/Year 10, split in 2 sub-groups of about 45/50 children each, which organises activities.

  • Year 2 Rallye : called Rallye Balmoral for the season 2024/2025 for children in 2nde/Year 11, of about 120 members, divided in 8-9 sub-groups. Each subgroup organises a party.

  • Year 3 Rallye : called Rallye Windsor for the season 2024/2025 for children in 1ere/Year 12, of about 120 members, divided in 8-9 sub-groups. Each subgroup organises a party.


Applications will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • A balanced ratio of Boys and Girls.

  • A balanced ratio of children from French and English school systems.

  • Sibling policy: We give priority to children who have brothers/sisters that were or are currently part of Le French Rallye for Rallye Balmoral & Windsor and that are currently part of Le French Rallye for Rallye Clarence, as long as the application is submitted before the deadline and the parent/child/sibling has complied to the rules in the past years.

  • Order of application.

  • Families who have not complied with the French Rallye rules in the past may not be considered for future applications.

Application Openings and Deadlines

We have decided to prioritize applications by submission time. You will still need to submit your application before the deadline for your Rallye.

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if you apply for the first time for Le French Rallye, please read our applications guide before you start filling your application form.


All parents including previous members need to apply as a new member by filling a new application.

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